Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start belly-binding after delivery?

For Vaginal Delivery we suggest 4 - 6 weeks post-partum, after complete lochia discharge.
For C-section Delivery , we suggest 6 - 8 weeks post-partum, after recovery of the wound.

*Please be patient. The general well-being of mummy is crucial for post-partum recovery.
The "Golden Recovery Period" falls within 6 months post-partum

Can I breast-feed during belly-bindng?

Rest assured, Big Little Hands uses 100% natural massage essence oil
No matter you breast-feed or bottle-feed, it is 100% safe to feed after belly-binding

Mummies can feed the first meal after belly-bound by:

  1. side lying breast-feeding
  2. pumping breast milk, then bottle-feed your baby

Afterwards, you can revert to normal feeding.

Does belly-binding effect relapse over time?

Belly-binding effect never relapse!
Mummies are scared because they misunderstood belly-binding = weight loss.
In fact, during belly binding, mummies do not lose weight.
They weigh the same before and after the whole belly-binding treatment.

Belly-binding involves:

  1. Reposition of organs
  2. Restore Rectus Abdominis
  3. Restore Pelvis
  4. Restore Rib Cage

Slimming effect happens at the aspects of skeleton and muscles, but not on fat.
Even mummies continues to gain in size, it is because of fat deposition.
It does not displace muscles and bones.

If I give birth before / after the forcasted date, will it affect the treatment schedule?

Pre mature birth has little effect on treatment schedule.

But in case some unexpected condition happened to mummy / baby (eg. Unplanned C-section or delayed wound recovery)
Mummy's treatment might be delayed.
Belly-binder will adjust accordingly with respect to mummy's condition.

We suggest mummy notify us their baby's birth date and delivery method after giving birth.

The treatment package is so packed. How does the belly-binder arrange treatment each session?

We tailor-made your treatment package according to our clients body condition.
We aim at having the best recovery within the shortest time frame

Because every moms encounter different kinds of problems.
Some of them have more trapped air in their abdomen;
Some of them have severe diastasis recti, or abdominal muscle separation;
Some of their pelvis are more widened;
Some of them might have urinary incontinence, anterior pelvic tilt, etc.

Belly-binders will analyze mommy's condition and provide suitable treatment.
We despise monotonous treatment that follows the book.
Instead, we uniquely create the best treatment plan for our clients.
Each treatment sessions lasts approx. 75 minutes.

When should I make appointment? Why is belly-binders' schedule always full?

Our belly-binders only serve 2 - 3 mummies each day to assure service quality.
Therefore belly-binder's time slots are scarce.
In order to pick the best recovery time slots,
we suggest making reservations with us after consulting your doctor at your 3rd month pregnancy.